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Secrets that Attorneys Want You to Know but do not always Share!

Close the Door, Turn Off the Phone, Give the Dog a Treat and Pay Attention because I am about to reveal Secrets that Attorneys Want You to Know but do not always Share! Sometimes civil legal action is unavoidable. If and when you ever need to retain an attorney, here are some tips to help you navigate through the process:

1. Take Advice from Kenny Rogers

Potential Clients always seem surprised when I heavily discourage them from hiring my law firm to settle disputes they have, especially if other family members are involved. As a Probate & Trust attorney, I know too well that once I become retained, tensions in a legal crisis quickly escalate. Likewise, even if an injustice is obvious and blatant to you, it usually takes a lot of patience, time & money before results will be obtained, if ever. As the song says, “You’ve Got to Know When to Hold ‘Em, Know When to Fold ‘Em, Know When to Walk Away, and Know When to Run”. This is why my office also provides Estate Planning services, attempting to prevent such measures from ever being needed.

2. Don’t Hire a Podiatrist when You Need a Surgeon

Everyone has a neighbor or a colleague’s sister that practices law. To ensure you receive the best results, make sure to retain an attorney that focuses solely on the area that you need. For instance, a lawyer that handles divorces should not draft your Last Will & Testament as that person may not be aware of the most updated Elder Law statutes or understand the full ramifications of the instrument prepared, both of which will likely result in unintended Probate or court appearances. Remember: you are not hiring an attorney solely to prepare documents. Rather, you should choose a lawyer for their knowledge, expertise and experience in that specific field.

3. The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Oil

We want to Hear from You! Do not be intimidated or afraid to contact your attorney. As long as the conversations are productive and conducive to the efforts being undertaken, our office does not even charge, generally, for email or telephone communications with our clients. To represent you properly we need to know all the details regarding your legal concerns. This does not include talking incessantly about non-related issues or calling a personal cellphone at 6 am, both of which will more than likely cause your lawyer to terminate your working-relationship. Nonetheless, keeping your attorney updated and informed on a regular basis should be constant and anticipated. Likewise, if you do not understand some aspect, please ask! Being courteous and respectful of your attorney’s time is important, and so is your comfort level. Your attorney should be prepared to review details of your legal work with you, making you feel as empowered and knowledgeable as possible throughout.

4. Mimic “Sherlock Holmes”

Relying on your attorney for all the information needed, whether for transactional or litigation matters, is unrealistic. Be prepared to create the timeline, provide contact names and the research needed to assist your attorney with protecting your legal interests. Moreover, the more organized and reliable the facts are presented, the more your attorney will be able to understand how best to serve you. Conversely, the more groundwork your attorney must do, the longer your case will take to resolve and more money will be billed to your account. So save yourself time and funds by ensuring you provide your attorney in a timely manner with all the informational tools they need to represent you properly.

5. Don’t Confuse Google for a Law Degree

Advice obtained by the internet or well-intended friends generally is worth what you paid for it. If you are thinking, nothing – Exactly! Never ceases to amaze me when people will attempt to handle their own legal matters. You would likely never try to re-wire your house, your most prized asset, on your own without the assistance of a trained, licensed Electrician. So why would you try to save a few pennies and potentially lose your home by not having suitable legal representation? Improperly Changing the Title on a Deed, Defending a Foreclosure Action or Drafting Estate Documents all require expertise and experience. By the time that you realize that you made a mistake, it may be too late or extremely costly to fix. Why take the Risk? Likewise, seeking the most affordable lawyer may not be a great idea either. Too good to be true usually ends in disappointment and money wasted. There is always someone willing to do things cheaper. Again, Why take the Risk?

Remember, Before YOUR Troubles Hit the Fan,

Please Create Your Estate Plan. 

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