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 I am willing to travel to meet my clients anywhere

Because estate planning is my passion that I truly want to share

I come to your office, home or even your car

Hablo espanol or Mdeberit evrit, my expertise will take you far

My documents are not generic or just some blank form

They are tailored to you, no matter how far your desires are from the norm

And I know that most people think that an estate plan will cost a lot

Or that they will have to tell me every single asset that they have got

However, this is definitely 100% not true

And one of those times when what you don’t know can really hurt you

So today set aside just a little bit of time

And remember what I tell you in this brief rhyme

If you just got married, had a baby, bought a home, started a business or maybe bought a gun

Put it in writing how you want to be taken care of, God forbid when, and I will promise you one thing when its all done

Not only will a good night’s sleep be what you will rightfully learn

The appreciation from your family, pets, and older version of yourself is what you will earn.

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