The Today show on NBC just reported that a woman's estimated lifetime risk of developing Alzheimer's at age 65 is 1 in 6, compared with nearly 1 in 11 for a man. Also, did you know that a woman is 2x likely to develop Alzheimers than she is to develop breast cancer?!!! and yet, despite being our nation's biggest health threat, Alzheimer's disease is still largely misunderstood. Unless something is done to change the course of the disease, there could be as many as 16 million Americans living with Alzheimer's in 2050, at a cost of $1.2 trillion (in current dollars). So you may not know someone affected or be affected yourself, but as a taxpayer, your pocketbook surely will!!!
Please join our walk today to help promote awareness and to End Alzheimers! Register for FREE at\walk or to join my team or make a donation, visit my personal walk page at:

Together, let’s make Boca’s first time hosting the National Walk to End Alzheimers a truly successful event on October 11th.Â
 Did you know that if you register a team, have 30 people on that team AND raise $3000, you will have a tent in Mizner Amphitheater, where the walk starts?Â
Also, if you sponsor the event by this July, and for a minimum of $1000, you can have your business name on the walk tshirts.Â
Plus, our kick off party on May 29 (details to follow) is a perfect time to showcase your business by offering a silent auction item.Â
To join my team or to make a donation, visit my personal walk page at: or go to start your own team.Â
The End to Alzheimers Starts with YOU
 I am willing to travel to meet my clients anywhere
Because estate planning is my passion that I truly want to share
I come to your office, home or even your car
Hablo espanol or Mdeberit evrit, my expertise will take you far
My documents are not generic or just some blank form
They are tailored to you, no matter how far your desires are from the norm
And I know that most people think that an estate plan will cost a lot
Or that they will have to tell me every single asset that they have got
However, this is definitely 100% not true
And one of those times when what you don’t know can really hurt you
So today set aside just a little bit of time
And remember what I tell you in this brief rhyme
If you just got married, had a baby, bought a home, started a business or maybe bought a gun
Put it in writing how you want to be taken care of, God forbid when, and I will promise you one thing when its all done
Not only will a good night’s sleep be what you will rightfully learn
The appreciation from your family, pets, and older version of yourself is what you will earn.